The 2024 version of “Innovation Forum 4 Plastics” was held in Brussels on the 19th of April as organized by EuRIC for CIMPA and backed by the European Commission’s REA within the context of a side event to WCEF which attracted about 70 participants including people from REBIOLUTION.
The focus this year was showing EU-funded projects dedicated to fighting plastic waste while promoting plastic recycling and circularity. Among them, REBIOLUTION, with Kai Oliver Siegenthaler from BASF presenting an innovative approach towards Compostable Packaging Solutions. In their discussions during the forum, they spoke about biodegradation and composting materials in practical applications as well as familiar yet crucial issues surrounding these topics.
Kai Oliver Siegenthaler from BASF highlighted REBIOLUTION as it showcased its unique strategy in addressing Compostable Packaging Solutions. The discussions during the forum were productive and touched upon important topics such as biodegradation, composting, and practical applications of these materials.
REBIOLUTION’s commitment to advancing sustainable projects in the plastics industry is demonstrated by its participation in the Innovation Forum 4 Plastics. Efforts like as REBIOLUTION, which prioritize innovation and collaboration, are paving the way for the adoption of a more environmentally conscious and circular approach to plastic recycling and use.
Overall, the event provided a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and inspiration, further fueling the momentum towards a future where plastics play a positive role in a sustainable society.